I miss Loco! Had him over a few times when I lived in N. Cal. Now that I live in S. Cal I haven't seen or heard from him in a while. ;) He's hawt... cept he almost cried when my bullmastiff Bruno farted on him. ~blink~
Sunshadow remembers you!
I know Sunny will remember you if the wench ever logs in again. Maybe I'll poke her in email to get her to take a peek. ;)
Rummy the old fart... where are you?
Alaric - lord on high do I remember our phone conversations AND our conference call with Sunshadow! whee I *know* Sunny remembers it!
Vicious - Girl I love ya... where are you hiding in Chicago?
Sybil - She hated me too but then again I sided...
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