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but the point is..


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*Liz'rd walks away from the squirming knight, and sits down besides Bones at the bar snickering*

[Bones] "Liz'rd, good show. I give you +25 points for fast reflexes and an extra +10 bonus for using the knight's armor against him."

[Liz'rd] "ssshouldn't teassseee, massster. hehehehe"

*Liz'rd draws a claw across his own throat and nods to an OOC roleplayer*

[Bones] "Bah! Where would the world be without a little devilish fun? But fret not... another round, and we shall be on our way. Bartender!"


Message for Upgrade
Point? And points? <the gears grinding in the barb's head echo across the room> I have it!

<dashes into the storeroom and returns bearing a dart board> And if you'll keep from tossing darts until I've got the blasted thing hung up, I'd appreciate it!


Inactive Members
*Liz'rd launches a dagger just as the dartboard is finally put up. It lands squarely in the center.*

[Bones] "Thanks for the ale, but we shall be off now. Liz'rd, on the trail."

*The two creatures exit the tavern, Liz'rd extends his long forked tongue, and again becomes the bloodhound as he traces the scent of the one sought for 'questioning'*