Welcome to Yserbius.Org! Join our Ultima Online Private Server and have some old school fun.

Hey Yserbius, Happy holidays!


Inactive Members
Well, enjoying my time off from work right now. Decided to check in Avatar Mud and seems i forgot half my character names. Start googling around for Avatar mud sites that may hold archives for old names, and somehow this site pops up. Lot of memories from here, i guess 16 years ago or so? Not even sure the Tavern i hung out in, never played twinion though, always Yserb, mostly Dueler. I've been searching forums about 2 hours this morning laughing a bit, I remember a ton of names, tho we always didnt get a long Hah. Ah well long time ago, recalling off the top of my head I'm sure miss a lot Sunshadow,dreambabe,alaric,materva,Maxmillion,Chast,Thyrm(remember our last duel? :p ) godbane,crys (the name familiar but not sure by in passing or what) another i havent seen mention while scrolling forums, meanmachine tho i suppose could have been another name i just didnt recgonize.Anyone remember KNoty's by chance? Lol, inductive into the guild had to Take on a food name? In taverns while we all we're acting tough in between our duels i was always called Crouton, easy choice for the name there, ha. Well Just came across the site, sry im late to the party, figured i'd say hey and happy holidays.


Staff member
Welcome home ~/~/~/

Been slow here, the site has been up since 2005 people check in from time to time, so send a pm or two if you recognize an old friend,, if you have facebook,, then search yserbius about 80 folks on that page..

Well met ~/~/~/