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Quest of ImagiNation Revival project server program.


Inactive Members
Hi all there.

I wonder right now in order to server is down and makes me sad,
to finally when a bunch of my mates could finally start playing it,
after so many ears we start on one computer.
At the beginning of the "shadow of yserbius ",
disappeared server for half a year ago,
so i wondering if it is possible start up again or if i can get a copy of the programs to start it again,
we love to play it and even sequels.
I'm so sorry that the server is down, I really want to play with my friends so we come to the end
I have the hardware to run it, it's just getting the programs please help me !!!

best regards.


Staff member
Hello there. I have reached out to the guy with that program and tried to contact several times. I have a couple server capable of hosting it. free of charge. It would sure be nice for those who want to drop into it every now and then. I will give it another shot and see if i can reach him.


Inactive Members
it should be nice if it posseble to start up somthing a gain, just wright in hay in forumet... an update that i know off maby u do it to..


Active Members
Per the Inn Revival mail-list, something may be in the works. Of course, many people volunteer their time...until their time gets scarce...then things start dying off. I've seen it here time and again.

So once again, we are in the wait-and-see mode.



Inactive Members
thats true all games die in the end or renew them, as doom are renew to days grafic so it is a big difftrent
i wonder how it should see if do a update on all games in "inn" i think it should be awsom :)