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New thread for discussion....

This file should stop some start up errors for rev 5 if you have switched to that DB. I haven't tried it yet.

Any idea why my rev5 db isn't importing as it should? I'm not a sql expert....I'm using sqlyog. I never had any trouble before....


Active Members
I haven't tried ro upgrade yet....I've got atleas a working server, I don't want to just willie nillie throw upgrades to it ya know?

Edit: Nevermind


Staff member
Sorry it was still email itself so i created a Off topic Discussion area within the Admin section, thanks guys for understanding. Slo


Active Members
Cool, tanks Slo....

Sidd, I was able to install and implement the DB 5 without a problem, so far anyway... I'll test the actual login tonight and the char move over.


Active Members
If your spawns ever seem a bit off, clear the cache directory in your WoW folder....I was having some issues with GM island vendors and found that info. It was when I finally got revision 5 of the silvermoon database going. It helped quite a bit.


Active Members
Ok, spent the last few days implementing various fixes... Each time I did, I got more and more ticked off that the numb-nutz at Project Silvermoon can't compile a decent Database....

Now, not only do most of the things we HAD fixed, are broken again, but there's new things that were working, that are now Broken.... WTF?

I haven't got a chance to test Pets, but I'm assuming from what I've read on the forums there, their still broken....

Outland Flying Mounts... BROKEN... I can't talk to anyone in the Outpost Dwarf Fort, thingy to buy the flying mount, and the trainer their won't talk to me because he doesn't like me... Bearded Bastard....

GM Island, as I've already mentioned is broken too... Ring, Neck, Tricket vendors... BROKEN.... And no usefull fix can be found on the forum.... Argh....

The only good thing that came of this is I learned a bit more about making custom items, so thats kinda cool... Thats about it, the only other broken thing thats now fixed, is some of the teir vendors on the GM island... But thats superficial, compaired to the OTHER BROKEN VENDORS, on the island.... Goddamnit....


Active Members
ya, there seems to be addes spawns and faction fixes but something always ends up being messy again. Here is a zip with various fixes that I have loaded and they seem good. Flying mounts work fine, pets, all that. I'm using mangos 3674


Active Members
Here is a bigger fix pack. I have not tried any of these but I imagine that I have some already in mine. They were all posted together. I just downloaded it.


Active Members
I saw both those fixes and will try and impliment a few of them when I get home... Just busts my chops that I have to put so much work back into it when we already had a working server... For the most part anyway.... Yeh, there were bugs.... But couldn't they just make a PATCH, instead of a whole new DB???

Seems like theirs no concentrated effort... It's just willie nillie fixes and repacks....


Active Members
Ya, it's wierd how they do that. They even change the table structure sometimes btw releases. It seems like a lot of people don't upgrade the DB, they just do the patches and fixes. I usually wait a few days after the big db is released to see what is wrong with it and decide if the new stuff is worth the change.

I'm heading to a 2nd grade spring concert, any earplugs?????


Active Members
How'd the play go?

I managed to patch (I use this term losely) the Database... Even those damned patches, need patches... Now I get a bunch of Quest Errors.... God Damnit....

Anyway, I'll look around see if I can find those patches....

Took a screenshot of my Pally... He's so awsome.... Hehehe... He can go toe-to-toe with almost anything now... Bosses he still has trouble with, as he can't quite do enough damage.... Though they have just as hard time killing him... So it's kinda like a stalemate at that point and I get bored... lol



Active Members
Sweet Pally.

I did run into the pets not working again. I used a few pet patches and now they work. I think the petfixrev5.sql in the miscups.zip will work by itself tho.


Active Members
Here is a list of commands for mangos core 3720, I'm sure most of them will work with what ever core version you have.

"acct",        1
"addmove",     2
"setmovetype", 2
"anim",        3
"announce",    1
"go",          3
"goname",      1
"namego",      1
"aura",        3
"unaura",      3
"changelevel", 2
"commands",    0
"delete",      2
"demorph",     2
"die",         3
"revive",      0
"dismount",    1
"displayid",   2
"factionid",   2
"gmlist",      0
"gmoff",       1
"gmon",        1
"gps",         0
"guid",        2
"help",        0
"info",        1
"npcinfo",     3
"npcinfoset",  3
"itemmove",    2
"kick",        2
"learn",       3
"cooldown",    0
"unlearn",     3
"modify",      0
"debug",       1
"morph",       3
"name",        2
"subname",     2
"npcflag",     2
"distance",    3
"object",      3
"gameobject",  3
"addgo",       3
"prog",        2
"recall",      1
"run",         2
"save",        0
"saveall",     1
"security",    3
"banip",       3
"banaccount",  3
"unbanip",     3
"AddSpawn",    2
"standstate",  3
"start",       1
"taxicheat",   0
"goxy",        3
"worldport",   3
"addweapon",   3
"allowmove",   3
"linkgrave",   3
"neargrave",   3
"transport",   3
"hover",       3
"levelup",     3
"emote",       3
"showarea",    3
"hidearea",    3
"addspw",      2
"spawndist",   2
"spawntime",   2
"additem",     3
"additemset",  3
"createguild", 3
"showhonor",   0
"update",      3
"bank",        0
"wchange",     3
"reload",      3
"loadscripts", 3
"tele",        1
"lookuptele",  1
"addtele",     3
"deltele",     3
"listauras",   3
"reset",       3
"ticket",      2
"delticket",   2
"maxskill",    3
"setskill",    3
"whispers",    1
"say",         1
"yell",        1
"emote2",      1
"whisper2",    1
"gocreature",  2
"goobject",    2
"delobject",   2
"turnobject",  2
"moveobject",  2
"shutdown",    3
"pinfo",       2
"visible",     1
"playsound",   1
"listitem",    3
"listobject",  3
"lookupitem",  3
"lookupskill", 3
"lookupspell", 3
"lookupquest", 3
"money",       0
"titles",      1
"speed",       0
"addquest",    3
"removequest", 3
"password",    1
"lockaccount", 1
"respawn",     3
"wp",          2
"flymode",     0
"sendopcode",  3
"sellerr",     3
"buyerr",      3
"uws",         3
"ps",          3
"scn",         3
"scm",         3
"sendmail",    1
"rename",      2


Active Members
Thanks Sidd, will try and patch it tonight if I can.... Not in a very good mood lately... I need some time to play, relax, or I will be hitting the bottle....


Active Members
I'm looking for a pet fix right now. You will also probably get some sort of character error, you need to import the last 2 or 3 sql files in the sql/update folder of mangos...The ones that worked for me were over 3560 or so....3560_whatever.sql....Something like that. I have to do some work from home tonight and prepare for vacation but I might be able to get on if all goes well.


Active Members
aye, I hear that. I need a beer!! Kids in detention this week were just terrible...I got a headache almost everyday. I didn't find a pet fix but I am going to try the rev5 pet fix. I think that should work...I guess I will find out sometime in the next week.