Some of you will remember the MMO called Ultima Online which currently has 225,000 subscribers world wide. Well Yserbius.Org is pleased to announce we have opened our own Shard(server) for Open Beta Testing
This Game once online will be free for all to use. and will function exactly like the Real UO. Some Yserbius.Org rules will apply of course. For those interested in this. there will be download instructions posted below. We reccommend you have DSL or Cable Or other High Speed Connection as one file is 600 mb. Simply follow the instructions and you will be on your way to joining us in YSUO. Once you have set up the software as instructed Send me a Private Message and I will create your user Account and Password and email it to you. Please note This is Open beta all accounts will be deleted once system goes online and your permanent accounts are assigned.
for now Enjoy the game and if I catch up with you i will pass on a few nice beta toys to play around with.
Ok first thing you need is is a UO client you can download it here
It is 600 Megabytes but a DSL, Cable, T1, or T3 should be able to download this rather quickly. it took 7 minutes for my cable connection.
Once this is downloaded install it. and then Run it,, it will go into Autopatch mode. Let it autopatch until it is complete. Once it is totally complete shut it down we are down with this for now.
Ok one more file to download
Download the UO gateway beat 1.9 at the bottom of page. Keep this page open though as you may be required to download the VB runtime files to make this Gateway work.
Ok now install the Gateway program and Open it
Now click New Local Server Tab
Name the Server yserbius and down under IP address insert and leave the Port at the default of 2593
The next tab should say remove encryption leave that at its default
Click save and you are ready to go
Select the My Servers Tab and a UO client will open Insert the Username and Password you will receive and you will see a Server list with Yserbius on it, Select it and continue,, Create a character and name whatever you want. once in the game I suggest you get familiar with the game and controls, IF you need help is an excellent source for help with characters and adventuring I will be in and out in the evenings so i will help when i can.
What I need is for you folks to create chars and go about selecting a skill and start raising it. If you want to be a miner then go mine, Lumber jack then go cut trees warrior then go find monsters and animals to raise skills.
I will give you folks a few days to get familiar and have fun before we start focusing on certain things. meanwhile look for bugs and jot anything you see down. and email it to me.
In the future we will start creating uber chars so we can test the big dungeons and such ie dragons etc etc. Then we will move into testing house placement etc etc [/quote]
This Game once online will be free for all to use. and will function exactly like the Real UO. Some Yserbius.Org rules will apply of course. For those interested in this. there will be download instructions posted below. We reccommend you have DSL or Cable Or other High Speed Connection as one file is 600 mb. Simply follow the instructions and you will be on your way to joining us in YSUO. Once you have set up the software as instructed Send me a Private Message and I will create your user Account and Password and email it to you. Please note This is Open beta all accounts will be deleted once system goes online and your permanent accounts are assigned.
for now Enjoy the game and if I catch up with you i will pass on a few nice beta toys to play around with.
Ok first thing you need is is a UO client you can download it here
It is 600 Megabytes but a DSL, Cable, T1, or T3 should be able to download this rather quickly. it took 7 minutes for my cable connection.
Once this is downloaded install it. and then Run it,, it will go into Autopatch mode. Let it autopatch until it is complete. Once it is totally complete shut it down we are down with this for now.
Ok one more file to download
Download the UO gateway beat 1.9 at the bottom of page. Keep this page open though as you may be required to download the VB runtime files to make this Gateway work.
Ok now install the Gateway program and Open it
Now click New Local Server Tab
Name the Server yserbius and down under IP address insert and leave the Port at the default of 2593
The next tab should say remove encryption leave that at its default
Click save and you are ready to go
Select the My Servers Tab and a UO client will open Insert the Username and Password you will receive and you will see a Server list with Yserbius on it, Select it and continue,, Create a character and name whatever you want. once in the game I suggest you get familiar with the game and controls, IF you need help is an excellent source for help with characters and adventuring I will be in and out in the evenings so i will help when i can.
What I need is for you folks to create chars and go about selecting a skill and start raising it. If you want to be a miner then go mine, Lumber jack then go cut trees warrior then go find monsters and animals to raise skills.
I will give you folks a few days to get familiar and have fun before we start focusing on certain things. meanwhile look for bugs and jot anything you see down. and email it to me.
In the future we will start creating uber chars so we can test the big dungeons and such ie dragons etc etc. Then we will move into testing house placement etc etc [/quote]