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Recent content by L1ly1

  1. L1ly1

    How would you do this?

    I actually saw a copy of MMO's for Dummies. Now there's a book that shouts "I'M A NEWBIE" if ever I saw one....
  2. L1ly1

    Chilly Days in May

    Nice Pink-eyed white you have... is that your only rat? My Ex-wife (who hated Yserbius, come to think of it...) was considered to be America's foremost breeder of Fancy rats, so we always had tons of them around the house. Tailless, hairless, black-eyed whites (now those are hard to breed!)...
  3. L1ly1

    2 questions

    What if I don't drink ale???? :lol:
  4. L1ly1

    Arnakkian's Arena

    I toyed around in it for 2 days now, and decided that no matter what you do to the various doors (leave them open, close them all, various combinations...) nothing happens and the level is merely a distraction at best. But who knows... maybe that's the point...
  5. L1ly1

    Arnakkian's Arena

    You.... sir.... may have been playing this a bit to long..... :wink:
  6. L1ly1

    Arnakkian's Arena

    Ok.... what's the point of this level????? I just re-discovered it... and now remember spending weeks here without a clue and now I'm right back where I was 10 years ago when I was playing regularly.
  7. L1ly1

    Anyone Playing Warcraft III, Diablo, Diablo II, Starcraft???

    Oh, btw: did you ever find, download & play the Diablo Mod, "Middle Earth"? I still have it, but I can no longer get it to work, sadly. It made the original Diablo into something so tough that it took my friend & I nearly 6 months to finally beat Diablo at Level 16. New monsters, new...
  8. L1ly1

    Anyone Playing Warcraft III, Diablo, Diablo II, Starcraft???

    It's going to be a bit before I can get back into playing with any regularity, I work special projects for Best Buy, and this week starts us on a project that's already had us put in 23 hours in 2 days. Thankfully, my Jump-Drive is large enough to carry Yserbius, so I can plop it into a...
  9. L1ly1

    Music Fix?

    Just run another program in the background. I usually have MusicMatch running with a nice assortment of MP3's playing, serves my needs nicely.
  10. L1ly1

    Avatar Issues

    But I do so love Psylocke, & I'm pumped that she's gonna have a SMALL role in the new movie, too cool. Oh well, Hobbes it is. and the word is Gonna. <grin> Zap, you've been stung by the grammatical bee.
  11. L1ly1

    Avatar Issues

    By the way, nice manner by which to determine standing.... I like the bars which determine my "Hit Points" et al. Cute. But you do know there is a way around that, a way to circumvent & cheat the system and become more powerful than anyone else here..... simply post your thoughts one letter...
  12. L1ly1

    Avatar Issues

    Is this any better? <GRIN>
  13. L1ly1

    Anyone Playing Warcraft III, Diablo, Diablo II, Starcraft???

    No, I haven't gotten around to it yet. I see that there are a few things I have to Download.... & I might get around to that soon enough.... but I work two full time jobs, meaning my online game time has been cut dramatically. Still, it's very tempting..... All work & no Play makes Jack a...
  14. L1ly1

    YS 3D

    Personal Note: I love your Avatar. thanks.
  15. L1ly1

    Anyone Playing Warcraft III, Diablo, Diablo II, Starcraft???

    Spent five straight years playing D2, loved it, & would be playing still were it not for Guild Wars. Spent the last year enjoying that one, but it's only as good as your fellow players, as you noted in your first post. Got to the degree that I actually would play with NPC's rather than people...