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AH bot


Inactive Members
How to set up an auction house bot (AHBot):

1. Open up mangosd.exe and realmd.exe and create a new account for your AHBot. I used AHBot for username and password.

2. Go onto World of Warcraft and create a character in your new account.

3. Close World of Warcraft and mangosd.exe and realmd.exe as they arnen’t needed any more.

4. Open navicat lite and create a new connection (click Connection in the top left and type in root for username and your database password (the one you used while configuring MySQL) and accept) if you havent already got the connection to your MySQL database.

5. In your MySQL database find characters, open it and then open tables inside it to. Then open character inside that and a lost of all the characters on your realm will come up. Look for the one you just created for the auction house.

6. Get both the GUID and ID numbers of the character and remember them as you’ll need them in a second.

7. Open mangosd.conf and go just about 7/8s of the way down untill you find this:

# Auction House Bot character data
AuctionHouseBot.Account =
AuctionHouseBot.GUID =(Their may already be numbers after the ‘=’)

Where it says ‘AuctionHouseBot.Account = ‘ type in the IP of the character after the = sign.

Where it says ‘AuctionHouseBot.GUID = ‘type in the GUID of the character after the = sign.

8. Save and close mangosd.conf and open mangos.exe, realmd.exe and go into WoW. Go to the auction house and it should be filled with items


Active Members
AHbot is fine but it can cause some stability issues in a server that is running all the time. You have to compile it with the patch or use the git repo that is AHbot already. FYI


Inactive Members
Any word yet of an AHBot coming into play? I mean the attempt at starting it was not successful when everyone is in the same guild and has no rivalries to make them want to sell something instead of just give it to them.


Active Members
I missed this once at least the 2nd part. The process is the same to get mangos with ahbot as the normal mangos. You just use a different branch.

git clone git://[URL="http://github.com/xeross/mangos.git"][COLOR=#417394]github.com/xeross/mangos.git[/COLOR][/URL] ahbot
cd ahbot
git checkout -b ahbot origin/ahbot
using git bash on a folder should do it.

Here is some basic instructions once you get the ahbot source downloaded and compiled.
There's numerous options configurable in the config, they can be found by searching for "AuctionHouseBot" in the config, explanation is included with them.
Next to these options there's also the database options, you need to have imported the auctionhousebot.sql to your character DB to have them (Which you should do anyways), and after that the options can be found in the auctionhousebot table, all the options are explained in the table itself and can also be configured from in-game.
To patch mangos with playerbot and ahbot, you can use this patch.
it's for mangos rev 10296 which is not the most current. It's hard to say if the patch will need to be updated when mangos is updated. It doesn't always have to.