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Ban Policy


Active Members
Jim wrote,

"I haven’t seen the same IP’s come back up yet, I have a list on my desk at home and I scan for them every so often, looking for the spam bots as well.

The guy that was put in the ban group sent me an email to unsubscribe from the newsletter all he wanted was the download, so I banned that username from being used again.

Removed his email so he did not get newsletter any longer, took him awhile to send it in he was member for almost a year.

I don’t want to delete accounts if they no longer wish to receive newsletters then I assume they are not apart of the community so make sure the username gets moved into the banned box so the username is no longer in use.

I deleted an account last year at their request and 4 days later they re-registered to download one more file and then sent another delete request.

So policy is now to ban the username, delete the emails only if it was a unsubscribe request. If it is a real serious ban, such as a spammer or hacker then you leave the email so it is banned also."

Thanks Jim. Now we know...


Active Members


Active Members
Since Jim fixed the ability to have fruadulant accounts create accounts, this too has been become invalid. If a need for an updated ban policy is needed, we'll write it up as needed.