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How important is Story-line?


Active Members
I've been doing a lot of research on gaming and I've come to the conclusion story is a HUGE part of a game. The story line in Final Fantasy for example is usually very superb. But for the most part (FFXI aside) those are non-MMO's.

So, I'd like to find out.... Do you remember the story from the original Yserbius? Was it memorable? A good back story and in game story important? Or do you just want to get in there and kill and blow shtuff up and not care what NPC's say?


Inactive Members
Story line is huge. I just replayed FF VII and people made a movie about it just because of the story.

And I have the hots for Sephiroth.


Inactive Members
What was the storyline behind Space Invaders again? Here's the extent of a SI conversation...
"Dude, I flipped the score on Space Invaders!"
"Who hasn't bro?"
"True... ahh... hey ya wanna play Mario?"