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Hunter patch


Inactive Members
I am assuming you are familiar with the compile process. This patch will need to be complied with the base engine. It does however work great and stops a lot of the pet bug issues.

What (should) be fixed:
have spells when tamed/summoned for the first time
-you can learn spells from tamed pets (10% chance on pet's spellcast...)
-beast training/use of grimoires works, so old spells get replaced
-spell book is displayed and (I think) fully functional, possible to cast with it and change autocast state of spells
-autocast works (pets will buff group members and itself when in combat and automatically use negative spells on enemies)
-pet action bar can be modified and is stored in db
-reseting of pet skills works (only for hunters at the trainer)
-training point cost works(although the client doesn't display correctly, you will still get the points already spent on a lower rank of the same spell back)
-happiness/loyalty works
-pet spell cooldowns work (although there is a clientside display issue concerning global cooldown)
-pet area auras work (like blood boil, paranoia...)
-feed pet works (it's displayed in combat log and the happiness gain is influenced by level diff pet/food; diets don't work)
-summoned pets always come with full health and mana (blizzlike)
-spells targeting the owner work (like sacrifice)
-pet scaling, so applying some of the owner's stats to the pet's
-applying of stat mods (so e.g. increase in stamina increases health)
-standardized pet stats (no 'caster' stats implemented) -> hunter pet families implemented (racial dmg/hp/armor boni)
-opcode for pet AOE damage supported (affecting water elemental's frost nova, doomguard's rain of fire)

What it DOESN'T fix:
-the bug that some pets randomly run away in combat



Inactive Members
Not familiar with the build process


How do I build this in Windows? Also, when you say applied to the base do I have to reload everything again?



Active Members
I know this is a month old but the patch download here is very outdated. If you are looking for a hunter patch, find a recent one that would stand a chance to work with the latest version of mangos. This patch is for mangos 3800 and the current version is over 10300.