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the Host are open


Staff member
I have Opened some of the Host from the Original Yserbius. Those that could be determined from research. If there are some missing please inform us. I have 8 more I am not sure what is what so here is a list as I know it please correct me if I am wrong

Original Host
Evil Way
Fear forest
Lance Lair
Mace Manor
Roleplay Inn ( had a different Original name before it was labeled Roleplay Inn)
Ranger Retreat
Sword Swamp
witches Way
There was a newbie help host which i cant remember

Twinion host
Dagger Alley
Dragon Counrt
Kaalroth Keep
Misty Hollow
Raptor Reach
Twinion Pub
Volcano Ridge

Please be sure and correct me if I am wrong and let me know if I have left any out or have them in wrong host.

Also I will leave these host open and if in a time they do not start getting any post I will delete them. So if your home was in any of the host please start a thread in your old tavern so we can keep them on the forum.

If you Host is not on the Forum send me a private message and I will be sure and add it ASAP. thanks all Slohand