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Recent content by SirOyik

  1. S

    Vitamin F Problems

    Thanks Slohand, that clarified a lot. I only have one more problem. When I set up Vitamin 4, and hit either release key or the "anykey," I proceed to go into the 'cano with my character. When I hit F12 to find the character, on the dos script a "FoT? No Luck..." pops up. Does this mean I...
  2. S

    Vitamin F Problems

    haha, its me again, I just cant seem to get these things figured out! Ok, so I was able to load vitamin f after running cmd, and then after i click the "anykey," it brings up "C:\Docume~1\Admini~>" My yserbius files are located in "C:\Documents\Administrator\Desktop\TSN\Yserbius". After...
  3. S

    yes, its me with the neverending questions

    well, can't quite get ale yet, still a month away from 21. And as far as lady china goes, ill leave that to him
  4. S

    yes, its me with the neverending questions

    haha, Navic and Tiger, you guys never cease to help me. So, navic? how can i repay you? how about some heal-alls or mana restores? haha, sorry to keep buggin you guys, but this is the first time ive come close to beating the game, and I it'd be a shame to not complete this final quest...
  5. S

    yes, its me with the neverending questions

    So yeah, the walkthroughs are great, but now Im having trouble getting the green gem. It said that I could use Vitamin F to implement this, but I have no idea what Vitamin F is or how to use it. Anyone care to explain? Also, what exactly is YSUO? Ive signed up for it, but as far as I know...
  6. S

    tsn formats and online play

    haha, yeah, I gotta say, it's pretty sweet seeing people getting back into this game. The last time I played was when i was about 9-10 years old! This is truly a game for the ages, even with its low-memory, low-graphic gameplay, the sheer design and greatness of the game transcends to modern...
  7. S

    tsn formats and online play

    Just a few questions. Anyone know if theres anyway in which to either play on an ip adress, or are there any plans to create a server to mimic tsn and imagination, so that online and group play would be possible? I can talk to a lot of the programming majors at my school, and see if they would...
  8. S

    help with game

    Thanks for the link, I actually found it shorty after making this post. This site rocks! I love having the walkthroughs, I was too young when the game came out to remember all the quests, so this is a big help.. Thanks so much! SirOyik
  9. S

    help with game

    Ok, so after looking at the maps in the gallery, i found the thieves key. Other than that, im still not sure where to look. I know one area that I havent been able to go yet, and it requires Vorenti's Key (i think thats who it is). Anybody know where its at? Is it located before the...
  10. S

    help with game

    Love the site! Just joined it. I started playing the game when it came out in 93, at the tender age of 8 years old. Im now 20, and still remember much of the game, but I seem to be stuck in a rut, and can't find anymore quests, not entrances to other rooms. Im a level 45 night with all...