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Search results

  1. R

    Is there a Handbook??

    Is there a copy of the Handbook in PDF format we can download??? I uh... lost mine. :lol: I need info on some of the spells again hehe so I'm not wasting all my points. --Rypus
  2. R

    KoY members of MACE MANOR

    Hail all! This is Rypus Ohmsford. Former Captain of the Guard for KoY in Mace Manor. Our group was lead by Lady Dahl in the last year Yserbius was online. I hope this message reaches those who have been a part of all the fun we shared. Leave a message here if you think you were a part of this...
  3. R

    Looking for KOY from MACE MANOR

    Hail my friends! LTNS! If you recall the great adventures we had in KoY on MACE MANOR then let us regail our great feats over a tall mug of ale! Lady Dahl led our guild after her husband was slain by the miniacle greedy AT&T beast! But for the life of me, I can't recall his name hehe. My main...