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Administrative Emails May 2007


Staff member
Does anyone have Hazes phone number? if you do could you please give him a call or pass the number to me and i will give him a call. thanks Jim


Active Members
I don't. I sent an email to someone else that might know, I'll see what I get back from her. Did his account get deleted? I didn't see Vidar listed anymore.


Inactive Members
I don't hav his number... hope all is well.

Spring brings the tourists to his locale... so maybe he's "entertaining" some chickies :p


Active Members
Me either sorry....

Anyone else get the Private Message from Kuja? LOL

Firstly, thankyou for having me take nearly an hour to find the correct punctuation capable to register on your forums. Having never played online, I never knew who 'Enny' was, nor any of the Acronym's you guys used in your questions. It was incredibly frustrating.

And then, even though it said in a post

We did set it up however so that while in this group awaiting moderation you will be able to go to the download section and be able to download the games. This was instituted for those only registering for the downloads.

I find that I can't access the download section...yay.

Is there a way to get accepted into the group? I've wanted to get sound files and also the third in the series *never knew it existed until today*

Wasn't that the whole POINT??? Obviusly we don't want to alianinate people, but come on Kuja, we stated along time ago that if you WERE a Ys Player, you'd know ATLEAST ONE awnser. I don't think we should change the way we do things Slo.... So if you got this complaint, fine, respond as you will, but changing the way we work here isn't the point of the registration intergation. Kuja can suck it... /End Rant

Ok, now I gotta go work on the newsletter...

Edit: BTW, I don't think mentioning the WoW server in the newsletter is a good idea... I think it should be by invite only, if we do go that direction....

Sidd, Can you watch for me on ICQ sometime? I have some problems/questions about Mangos... I can't get the friggen thing working....


Active Members
Vena didn't have a phone number for Haze. She said he didn't have a phone but I don't know.

I found some spellweaving scripts for UO but can't get them downloaded to test them. I may or may not be successful in that venture.

I'm updating the mangos database to the latest silvermoon DB release for my kids right now. I'll prolly be on ICQ in a bit. Need to get a couple things done here first.

I am often amazed at people who ***** about something and what something in return for their complaining. I'm ok with a person complaining but sarcastic whining then asking for a favor doesn't sit well with me normally.

EDIT: Tiger, this link is a full package of the mangos deal, without maps and you don't need a separate sql deal to run it. You just need to extract the maps.


Active Members
I'm stuck at work till 5-6pm my time or so Sidd... =(

I've spent hours trying diffrent combos of Mango's and DB information and I may take one step forward, then two back... Starting to get on my nerves... =(


Active Members
Tiger, I have one screen shot for YSUO and a few others to keep you going on the mangos. On the mangos, did you set your realm ip addy? I had trouble with that part. You do have to "match" the mangos core with the righ DB. The silvermoon rev 4 is out and it works with the latest cores posted on the silvermoon forums site. I'm not sure what the wife has planned today but if I'm here, I'll help if I can.

On second thought, I will email the pictures to the group. I can't post them, they exceed the 97k limit although they aren't real big.


Active Members
I doubt I'll be on tonight... Will see.... If ya see me on IM, then the server will prolly be on... That problem I was having with my Bear, the night you and my friend were on was because of the fix you gave me. I had that pet BEFORE I implimented the patch, once I fixed the server, and logged back on I still had that pet, so I'm figuring it had something to do with already having him.... I haven't experianced the same problem again, since I abandoned him and got a new pet...

If you find any more fixes, send them my way....


You get WoW installed? Also dude, ya been posting ALOT... LOL Those news articals count as posts? ;-p


Active Members
Did some bike riding with the kid tonight and got that darn lawnmowing up soon... love that. Haha

I think you are right about the pet. That patch should have wiped the currents pets out so hopefully it's all good now. Nothing new recently for fixes tho.

Catching up on Heroes and 24...and of course my reruns of star trek enterprise.

Vena said she saw Haze in a couple shards but not real often. I told her to tell him to drop us a line if she sees him again. :)


Staff member
Well after much thought, i have decided i have to shut down YSUO server, the 160 dollars it is costing me is becoming a real hardship. Please dont rush out and send me 20 bucks through paypal either, any help would only be a temporary fix, it will be better to just put YSUO to sleep for awhile. I have found a way to offset the cost of the yserbius.org dedicated server so i am not concerned with this. If you want to save a copy of the ysuo server information Sidd pls do so in the next few days. i will be making a backup and saving a copy soon myself. thanks all it was fun, but has become a serious burden financially. thanks Jim


Active Members
Understandable. I started it archiving to an rar right now. I don't know if I will be able to download it, it might be way to big... I'm not sure until it's done. I have most of the scripts that make up the world but not the accts, houses, etc. I'd like to save them and will try to get it downloaded. I think some of the players would donate but not enough to keep it up every month, as you said.

I wish I could host it and I did check into prices but it's a ton just for server space even if my pc could handle it.

Maybe a plug for empiriana? I will probably drift back there. UO with out the right people really isn't as fun. hehehe I don't know of any other good shards to direct people to either. Most people that went shard hoping returned because of the drama and crap with their "new" shard. It was a good, well over a year run with some good times. Maybe some wow at tiger's. I talked with Vena last night and told her I was wowing on my local server and she wanted to join us but since I can't open mine up due to my internet config, I didn't pass anything on to her. Not sure how a wow thing would work either, much more potential for risk too.

I know it will be missed. I haven't updated the accts spreadsheet for a while but there are still tos' coming in.

Edit: one thought, we should post an announcement and have a final fair well/gathering :) That would be fun I think.


Staff member
yea i wish i could keep it, too, we would have to have a 10 buck or more a month commitment from everyone who plays now just to keep it going, and i frankly dont see that happening, after all most people are playing because it is a free shard. My next payment is due on the first of next month, i plan on taking the shard down before the next payment is due. I will zip everything up and download it and store it on the Yserbius.Org server plenty of room there.


Active Members
I'll update the newsletter accordingly.... Come up with a final farewell day and maybe some games and I'll throw those in.

I hope to have the newsletter printed this weekend, I'm having to find a uh.. .Questionable, Adobe Reader (Full) in order to convert word to pdf....

Oh, as for WoW, I'm happy to host it, but I can't have it up all the time... It'll be up tonight for sure, and Tomorrow night as well as I'll be watching the Sunz kick the Spurs ass. And "WHO" is hosting it must be kept on the downlow.... There's realitvly little risk so far, as I'm not hitting the WoW servers....


Active Members
I found a website that will auto convert to a pdf file...don't remember the size limit. I do have a deal on my laptop where I can "print" to pdf from word. I think that is called pdfcamp, I'll check when I get on my laptop later.

I'm out of town coming up but maybe next weekend for a farewell, or the following weekend. Evening probably be the best. Even tho it's quite a bit different, could put in the news letter that people can gather and quest in Empiriana to keep things going. They could send stuff to the tos@yserbisus.org email, i been keeping up on that email, actually it's ysuotos@yahoo.com but it forwards and such...

No talk about a wow thing :)


Active Members
Slo, the rar of YSUO is about 501MB. Would you be able to put it on yserbius.org in a place I could download it? I can't download it without uploading to my ftp first and I don't think my isp would like that real well. Thanks


Active Members
Ok.... Now that the newsletter is off my chest for a few more days, before I start the whole process over....


Can you see if you can find a few magic fixes like you did for the pets in WoW?

There are a few broken Quests (The only one I know for sure thats broken is the Beached creature quest in DarkShore)

The Battle Grounds are unaccessable (They work Que wise, but not to actually start the battle)

A list of all the GM commands for ProjectSilver

Warrior Stance Fix (I'm pretty sure it's broken)

And a better GM interface... or something... to make our GM's uber and stay uber....

Outland stuff.... Most of the Outland (Capture towers) ect, don't seem to work.... Atleast I couldn't get their value to change in game.

Darkmoon (Dude I work with), will be writing up a tutorial on how to have multiple WoW's running, so those that have ligit WoW's can play.

I need to test:

Professions (Mining and Smithing seem to work Tiger uses them)
BC Races
BC Quests
BC Racial Quests
Other Mounts
Anything Horde Related (Horde is a big unknown to me since I haven't played them other then to test Battle Grounds)


Active Members
I will see what I can find. There are numerous quest fixes but I think they are in the silver moon rev. 4, but I don't think it hurts to load them. I'll get them to you when I can.

Some if not 1/2 of the outlands stuff isn't there, it hasn't been made yet, each instance of the silvermoon DB release includes the different fixes, additions, and patches....so in the next release the pets should work, but that isn't always the case so I have kept the ones that work to make them run again....It's also possible that at some point you will need to upgrade the mangos core/revision you are using also but only if the newest DB you want to use needes it....There are some limitations Haha

I'm not to sure about the gm interface, I normally change the level and then get trained by the vendors and skill trainers and haven't have much trouble. I haven't really seen a gm interface. What trouble are you having?

An FYI on having multiple instances of WoW...Install it to the c:\program files/world of warcraft default directory, then just change the name of the folder it was installed to (c:\program files\world of warcraft 2.0.12 for example) , and you can do a fresh install again (c:\program files\world of warcraft) without moving or copying anything. Then you can execute 1 for the real server and one for a hosted server.


Active Members
I don't have a problem upgrading anything, as long as I don't break the friggen one I have... I also noticed some of the Tier 4? or 5? things, in the GM island ar missing images....

Maybe a complete list of GM commands will give me what I want. Right now, when I use the GM commands like .maxskill and .learn all_myclass only work the first time Talant Tree wise. What I mean by this is it will give you the Talent Points so you can get those talents, not counting the ones you gain from leveling up. .setcp doesn't work, where I can give you talent points to use in the tree, so their more "ligit".

Some kinda 3rd party Database interface would be awsome... That can read the DB and change their values. Ah well, dreamin... Anyway....

There an upgrade for the server I'm running?


Active Members
I ended up putting in 2 databases, keeping one I knew worked for one version and then making the "newest" mangos point to the next one....fairly easy just change the name of the mangos DB in the mangos.conf to point where ever you want. Like the next database you have (for the next version of mangos) just name it mangosBC or something. I named mine mangos3522 or what ever version of mangos core I was messing with. The realm DB doesn't change much, although there was a fix and you had to enable BC in the table once.

I don't think I have a complete list of GM commands but I'll look for one. I also have a text file that tells what parts of the database to export to keep chars when you update the entire DB and then you pull in the char data again.

The stuff that I have that doesn't show right on gmisland are the new things from 2.1 of WoW, I think we both are running 2.0.12. My gmisland is actually pretty fair and seems good. I have Rev 4 of the silvermoon DB, is that what you have?

Regarding the program to view/add for the DB, all I've ever used was sqlyog program. Did you create accounts using that or a web page? that sqlyog works to log on the database, shows the realm, mangos, etc. and you can edit, backup, change, all parts of it. If you used it to make accts, then you have seen the best that I know of right now if not, connect using sqlyog and then in the bottom right window, click on table data (#3 i think) then click show all. In the right pane, click and expand mangos and browse through there. Like the creatures are in creature_template (i think - working from memory :)) items in items_template. I think that is what you are looking for, if I understand anyway.

There seems to be new compiled versions of mangos quite frequently but they often require something to be change in the database. The most recent one I tried, a column had to be named "guid" instead of "entry", or something like that.....I decided to wait a bit before I jump to another mangos version, maybe when they release silvermoon DB 5 or something. Different people compile them and add something all the time but I have found you have to keep up on the posts most of the time b/c something changes... ah well.

One of the newest mangos cores says it will run 2.0.12 to 2.1 but I haven't tried it at all. I think for now I'm sticking to 2.0.12. It usually means a lot of work for me at home to update and if it doesn't work, a nasty re-install.

One more thing on the multiple WoW's on a pc....in order to patch after you remane a folder, all you have to do is run the patch from inside the directory. Patches look for the default install folder and if it's not there, you get an error, but running from whatever wow folder you want updated, it will work fine.