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Chat Server /Client code for Discussion Part II


Staff member
Implement the Remotable Part of the Client
When a server needs to talk back to a client, a role reversal happens: The server sort of assumes the role of client and the client assumes the role of server. In terms of implementation, this means both client and server must have a remotable piece. Unlike one-way remoting (or Web services), the remote server services the requests the client makes, but it is not connected to the client.

Consider delegates for a moment. A delegate is really just a list of function pointers. A function pointer is just the address of a method. When an event is raised, what really happens is that a method or methods are called. The event spawns an indirect method call. For remote servers to call client methods, the remote server needs to know about a function that lives on a client. In practice, remoting marshals the pointers to client methods through proxy objects just as method calls to remote servers are.

The .NET Framework handles all of the plumbing for you, whether you are implementing a remotable client or server. All you need to do is define your clients so that they inherit from MarshalByRefObject. Listing 1 shows you what the header might look like for a remotable client:

Listing 1: Remotable Clients Must Inherit from MarshalByRefObject Too

Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Security.Principal
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
Imports Softconcepts.ApplicationBlocks.RadioPattern

Public Class Client
Inherits MarshalByRefObject

Both client and server have to see the definition of this object for both ends of a two-way remoting solution to work. For this reason, the assembly containing the Client class above has to be deployed on both client PCs and the server machine. (There are other ways to share definitions. For example, you can define an interface and deploy it to the server, and then implement the Client class as a realization of the interface—in other words, inherit from the interface.) To satisfy client and server visibility, I placed the Client class in the SharedCode.dll shared assembly and referenced that assembly from both client and server applications.

Configure the client
Like the server, the client needs configuration. Essentially, you need to tell the client how to connect to the server. As previously mentioned, you can configure the clients and servers programmatically or in the App.config file. This example uses the configuration file.

The most important part of the configuration is to specify the <wellknown> tag, which includes the object you want to create, and the URL of the remote server:

Listing 2: The Client's App.config File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
            <channel ref="http" port="0">
          <formatter ref="binary" />
          <formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full" />
               type="SharedCode.Chatter, SharedCode"

    <add key="user" value="Your Name Here!" />
    <add key="echo" value="true" />

All of the elements are required, but the <wellknown> tag describes where the server is, which port to talk to it on, the name of the assembly, and the namespace that contains the remotable objects. The type attribute contains the namespace followed by the assembly name, SharedCode. The configuration employs .NET and its reflection capabilities to dynamically load the assembly. The URL attribute contains the host, port, and URI (chatter.soap) of the remote server.

The rest of the App.config file contains channel formatter information. Microsoft added quite a bit of these other elements in .NET 1.1. You can use the rest of the code as is in many instances and use the .NET help information to fill in any details.

Implement the send and receive behaviors
The send behavior is a call to the remote server to send out messages to all of the connected clients. The receive behavior is the event handler that receives messages from the server. These methods are straightforward, and while they depend on the .NET remoting plumbing, they are easy to implement:

Listing 3: Sending and Receiving Messages in the Chat Sample

 Public Shared Sub Send(ByVal sender As String, _
                           ByVal message As String)
            Instance.FChatter.Send(sender, message)
            Console.WriteLine("Not connected")
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Sub OnMessageEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As ChatEventArgs)

        If (Not IsSelf(e.Sender)) Then
            Broadcaster.Broadcast("{0} said: {1}", e.Sender, e.Message)
        End If
    End Sub
Send attempts to invoke the Chatter.Send method. If it fails, you write the output to the Console. In a real-world application, you may handle the exception some other way.

The OnMessageEvent method matches the signature of the delegate defined by the remote server. When it is called—the server has raised the event—you broadcast the message. You could just handle the message here, but this example uses the Observer pattern to loosen the coupling between the Client class and any presentation layer you might elect to place on top of it. (Part 3 will examine the implementation of the Broadcaster in greater detail.)

Ultimately, just make a mental note that Send pushes the message out to the remote server and OnMessageEvent plays the role of receiver.

Connect to the remote server
Listing 4 shows the complete Client class's implementation.

Listing 4: The Shared Client Class Implementation

Imports System.Runtime.Remoting
Imports System.Security.Principal
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
Imports Softconcepts.ApplicationBlocks.RadioPattern

Public Class Client
    Inherits MarshalByRefObject
    Implements IDisposable

    Private FChatter As Chatter
    Private Shared FClient As Client = Nothing

    Private Sub New()
        FChatter = New Chatter
        AddHandler FChatter.MessageEvent, AddressOf OnMessageEvent
    End Sub

    Public Sub Dispose() Implements System.IDisposable.Dispose
        RemoveHandler FChatter.MessageEvent, AddressOf OnMessageEvent
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub Shutdown()
        End Try
    End Sub

    Private Shared ReadOnly Property Instance() As Client
            If (FClient Is Nothing) Then
                FClient = New Client
            End If
            Return FClient
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Shared Sub Send(ByVal sender As String, _
                           ByVal message As String)
            Instance.FChatter.Send(sender, message)
            Console.WriteLine("Not conencted")
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub ShowHistory()
            Console.WriteLine("Not connected")
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Overrides Function InitializeLifetimeService() As Object
        Return Nothing
    End Function

    Public Sub OnMessageEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As ChatEventArgs)

        If (Not IsSelf(e.Sender)) Then
            Broadcaster.Broadcast("{0} said: {1}", e.Sender, e.Message)
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Function IsSelf(ByVal sender As String) As Boolean
#If DEBUG Then
        Return False
        Return sender = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name
#End If

    End Function

End Class

It is a bit more advanced than a basic sample because it uses some patterns (Command, Factory, Singleton, and Observer) that you might use in a real application, as opposed to just the bare minimum code you would need to connect to the remote server.

The Client class' Sub New configures the client application, creates an instance of the remote server, and connects the Client.OnMessageEvent to the remote server object, Chatter. The code never creates an instance of the Client object directly. (Note that the constructor Sub New is private.) Instead, it uses the Singleton pattern and the Client object indirectly through the read only property, Instance. Finally, the Send and OnMessageEvent event handlers handle the connection to and from the server (as discussed in the previous section.)

Implement the Presentation Code
The objective here doesn't involve Windows Forms or Web Forms; it is about .NET remoting and server events. Consequently, you can use any kind of GUI to test your solution, and that's what the example does—with a twist.

By separating your pieces and using good patterns, you can loosen the relationship between presentation, middleware, and server. You will see this in the implementation of the Console application.

Because the console application hardly mentions—and only indirectly uses—the .NET remoting solution, the client could be practically anything (see Listing 5).

Listing 5: The Presentation Layer Is a Console Application, but Good OOP Means It Could Have Been Anything

Imports SharedCode
Imports Softconcepts.ApplicationBlocks.RadioPattern

Class ClientApp
    Implements IListener

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        With New ClientApp
        End With
    End Sub

    Public Sub Run()


        While (True)
            If (ProcessCommand(Console.ReadLine()) = False) _
               Then Exit While
        End While


    End Sub

    Public Shared Function ProcessCommand(ByVal input As String) _
           As Boolean
        Return CommandFactory.Create(input).Execute(input)
    End Function

    Public Overloads Sub Listen(ByVal message As String) _
           Implements IListener.Listen
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property Listening() As Boolean _
           Implements IListener.Listening
            Return True
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Overloads Sub Listen(ByVal message As String, _
      ByVal formatter As Softconcepts.ApplicationBlocks.RadioPattern.IFormatter) _
      Implements Softconcepts.ApplicationBlocks.RadioPattern.IListener.Listen
        If (message.Equals("chat>")) Then
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

The Sub Main is the entry point for the presentation layer. It is simply an instance of the contain class and a call to a single method, Run. This is pretty good encapsulation.

Except for the Imports statement, the listing makes no reference to the middle layer—Client class—or any of the remoting plumbing. This means you could strip off this presentation layer and easily put a WinForms GUI or something else on top of it.

The basic behavior is that the run method loops while there are commands to process, period. Key concepts that make this possible are grounded in patterns. Part 3 will explore all of the patterns used for this solution.