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Q: Psst.. What's that I hear about maps?
A: I went through the game and took screenshots of the maps, and pasted them in BMP files, for people's references.. I also filled in a lot of the unmapped areas such as Queen's Palace, Hopeless Hallways, and the ever-so-infamous Graveyard (I spend an hour, in verity, on that section alone). I'll try to distribute them along with the FAQ.., they're pretty good for references, and they use the real colors, as seen in the game.

Q: How do I get around the dungeon with these directions?
A: The four cardinal directions are as follows : If you're in a mappable area (which makes up roughly 95% of the game) then west, for example, means west on the MAP. Since the map never moves, the four directions in a mappable area always remain the same. However, "forward" means clicking on the forward arrow or pressing the 8 on the numeric keypad, "back" is the back button or 2 arrow on the numeric keypad, and the such. In an unmappable area, such as the Graveyard, west, east, north, and south means YOUR west, east, north, or south. Think of the directions in unmappable areas (west, east, north, and south) just as "fancy" names for left, right, forward, and backward directions. So in an unmappable area, "turn west" means turn left and the such. These directions will change every time you step. In other words, if you turn left (west) your [previous] south become your [new] west, your [previous] north becomes your [new] east, etc., etc., etc. I tried not to use these terms in unmappable areas, however, there might be a few mistakes, and that's why this section is here.

Q: How do the map coordinates work?
A: The basic FoT map is a 16 by 16 square. Each square has a letter0 and a number assigned to it. The lower left corner, for example is A,1. From south to north the coordinates are letters, from west to east, they are numbers. For example - here is the basic Fates of Twinion map :

_1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
_1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

In this map, the asterisk (*) is located at B,1, the K at C,12, and the 4 at F,8. It's a good idea to keep a printout of this map at hand when playing so that you can tell the coordinates. Since there is no "grid" in the actual game to help you with this, you'll have to count off the numbers of "squares" to your destination. Walls and doors will help, as they can "divide up" the map. Once you get an eye of about how tall and how wide each square is, you will be able to find coordinates on maps easily.