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People - Funny Critters


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[18:52] <Sylara> are you listening, Veh?
[18:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +l 25
[18:53] <Sylara> Usually my gross stories involve menstration, but today I got to add a gross story involving INFECTION
[18:53] * Sylara cracks her storytelling knuckles
[18:54] <Sylara> So there Savannah and I were in Sam's
which is the brainchild of Sam Walmart, err... maybe his last
name isn't Walmart, I dunno. Anyway. We went there to
buy 500 pounds of burger because thats just the way it
comes, and of course we stop at every sample cart there is.
[18:56] <Sylara> As we walked up to the sample cart that
had a charming old woman frying both pepper bacon and
maple bacon, she was telling a co-worker standing next
to her... "Yes, its definately infected. It's an open hole about
the size of my fingernail, but its gotten smaller and now its
only as big as the tip of my finger."
[18:56] <Vehementi> no
[18:56] <Sylara> YUCK!!!.. She's frying maple bacon with
something infected and open!
[18:57] <Sylara> no? You're not listening? Nonesense
[18:57] <Sylara> is that gross or what?
[18:58] <Sylara> That almost beats the time that a waitress
insisted on telling Balor and I all about her surgery on her
corns, while serving us our dinner.
[18:58] <Sylara> people... funny critters.

How about a rousing round of Pre-Thanksgiving Gross Stories. I KNOW YOU GOT 'EM! SPILL 'EM!

*prepares a bucket of disinfectant* I'm ready.


Inactive Members
*bows* Merci, mon cher - and I don't make this stuff up! SWEAR TA GAWD AH DUNT! Oh! Its time for a song...

Do you hear what I hear?
(do you hear what I hear?)

The sound of peeeeeople spiiiilling out their guts
- without regard foooor my nausea


You know the tune. Sing along! Make up your own verse.


Inactive Members
Said the shocked Nav to his brother Brain…
Did you see what I saw? Did you see what I saw? 8O
Flipping through the sky… bloody deer…
Did you see what I saw? Did you see what I saw? 8O
Some brains… some guts… spraying in the night.
With a bang… it headbutt my car!
With a bang… it headbutt my car! :evil:


Inactive Members
*pulls an empty bucket closer with a foot, while applauding energetically*

BRAINS! BLOOD! A futile attempt by a creature of nature to overpower a device of the evil empire of technology!