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RePost For Level Indicators


Staff member
Ok I will try to explain it a bit better sorry
For every so many Post you make you go up in Level pretty much like a RPG. Watch your exp bar to determine how many more post you need to go up another level. Leveling become exponentiatly harder as you go up in rank. The formula used to determine levels is as follows ( may not make sense to some)

if($profiledata['user_posts'] < 1)
$level_level = 0;
$level_level = floor( pow( log10( $profiledata['user_posts'] ), 3 ) ) + 1;

Hit Points:
Your Max Hit Point is Based on your Level Plus a bonus once your Average Post per day goes over a certain level. It is entirely possible for a level 4 poster to have more max HP's than a level 8 Poster, In a RPG this would translate as a Person who trained harder. so dont be suprised to see different max HP's within the same levels.
The percentage of HP's you have available again is directly proportionate to your Post per day average Try to keep this Average up to keep you health bar up.

Your Mana Bar is based on how many days you have been a member of Yserbius.Org. Thus increasing daily. It cost mana to make a post and is regenerated a set rate proportionate to how many days you have been a member.

Of course this bar reflects how many post you need to advance to the next level. If indicator has 100% on it that simply means your next post will advance you to the next level.

I hope this explains it better. Thanks all Slo...

Tell me what you think about this mod.. ```


Staff member
Ok this isnt Exact I am sure there are modifiers much like in D&D but the level progression are

Level 1 Needs 1 Post
Level 2 Needs 10 Post
Level 3 Needs 19 Post
Level 4 Needs 28 Post
Level 5 Needs 39 Post
Level 6 Needs 51 Post
Level 7 Needs 65 Post
Level 8 Needs 81 Post

These are of course modified by Daily averags But this is a close Approximation for those who asked.


Inactive Members
slohand, just saw the level indicators thing today. I have to say, that's a really inspired idea. I tell ya, this site and the forums here have much more 'character' and creativity to them than most sites I've come across. keep up the good work!


Staff member
Thanks Shoe for the Compliment, I think it is a nice feature as well. It means alot when things go noticed. .... Slohand ```