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Twinion Falls


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Q: How do I get to Twinion Falls?
A: In the Aqueduct, make your way to P,16, face south and detect (or use a crystal ball, which is a substitute for Detect). Go through the hidden door, make your way to O,14,face south, and detect. Go through the door, make your way to M,12, face east, and detect. Go through the hidden door, make your way to L,13, face east, and detect. Go through the hidden door, make your way to K,14, face east, and detect. Go through the hidden door, make your way to E,16. To the east will be the door to the Falls.

Q: What do I need to do in here?
A: Well, point is to get the Cross Key, and complete the Sluice Quest. To do this, from the entrance point turn north and go 5 steps forward. from there, turn east and go 4 steps forward. From there, turn north again and go 3 steps. Go through the door on your west and follow the maze of doors. In the center of this area you will get the Cross Key. From there, make your way to the locked door in the "bridge" running along the eastern wall. Unlock it with the Cross Key, and go 2 steps to the Wizard who tells you not to "play" with the switches, which is exactly what you must do. Turn west to hit the switch, then head back out of the bridge area. Make your way to the teleport at G,12 and walk through. Go through the door in the south area of where you are now, where you will have a choice between two doors. Take the western door to the Sluice area, which you couldn't access. From there, take the southern door which will give you experience points and gold pieces. From the SE corner of the Aqueduct, fight all the battles and go through the teleporter, to a new area that you haven't been able to get through to before.

Q: Are there any peculiar points I should be on the lookout for?
A: At N,13 there is a wizard who will give you his drink in exchange for some gold, if you are the right guild. The drink will give you the Petrify spell. Also, there is a ranger looking for his companion cleric in the northern area of Twinion Falls. If you meet up with the ranger, then find the cleric which is in the area you get to from TPing from G,12 then you will get an Elixir of Health.