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Website Change

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Active Members
Hey all. Within the next few weeks or so and hopefully before the end of June, we’ll be converting to a new website. The recent events behind the scenes here at Yserbius.org has put a lot of strain on the admins and servers. So unless we take drastic measures, it’ll only get worse. So we’ve decided to switch to a new website. Everything will be new from the ground up. HOWEVER, nothing will be lost content wise. Posts, forums, downloads, messages, ect should (baring any major damage) remain intact. The domain will be redirected to new forums that will be setup with all the current posts and user information. This will be temporary while we work on getting the new website up and running.

So, that being said, we thought why not turn this into one of our Anniversary games? How do you enter to play? Well, simply PM Slohand or I with the date and time you think the conversion will be completed by. This means when will the new site be live and you will no longer be redirected to just the forum? The one closest to the date and time, without going over will win a prize to be announced soon. Remember, we hope to have it done before the end of June.
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