Welcome to Yserbius.Org! Join our Ultima Online Private Server and have some old school fun.

Well, hi.


Inactive Members
While I was, and still am, a legend in my own mind, I've no doubt the crickets will answer. Anyway, nice to see a community still kicking more than a decade later. Miss the swamp sometimes, still.


Staff member
Welcome home my friend. Glad you made it these last 10 years or so ok. Pull up a chair and tell us where you been and what adventures you've experienced. Slo


Active Members
Memory is the first to go ya know... :lol: Welcome back though! Enjoy your stay, spread some stories of the ol'days and have fun. :D


Inactive Members
Heh. I remember the occasional verbal spar with LC. :>

At any rate, my time since has been entertaining. The highlight of it all is that the lovely lady I fell for in Yserbius has been my wife since 2000 and we'll be having our second child around July 1 or 2.

I'd like to say I became famous or something but I'm a lazy bastard and though I grew up I only managed to do the normal adult things while maintaining a healthy love for stalking online worlds walking that fine line between good and evil and making everyone wonder just what the hell I'm talking about. That and embarassing myself.


Inactive Members
Ohhhhhhh - I LOVE embarassing myself. I've actually never felt it - but I'm told I should OFTEN. :)

I remember you. Shall we spar? On the count of three - ready?

!, 2, 3....

*both turn with preplanned precision and deck Blacksoul* Bravo! Its part of why he stalks me. Now, lets just have a seat on this comfortable flesh couch and talk. *wiggles more firmly into Blacksoul.*

We've had some roleplaying around here, but its dried up of late. You wanna play?

Congratulations on your marriage and children. Better than having the nickname "MARY" and being a former resident of cell block OWTHATHURTS! huh?

I've been bumbling around on myspace lately, transferring some writings from various places over to there, adding new ones. http://www.myspace.com/sylara
Don't bother to look if you're not a tolerant adult - okay? My tongue and fingers sometimes runneth away with me. Right into the Swamp I came out of. *winks*

*leans an elbow into Blacksoul's armrest (groin)* Any more to share, Adamnan? What games are you playing? I'm on my 10th level 5 in WoW. This time I'm a paladin, and I've brought Avalonia out of the closet. She's almost healthy.


Inactive Members
Hope he didn't want any more kids. <eyeballs Blacksoul>

Cancelled WoW about 6 months ago, got tired of the way they did the endgame. So, at the moment, I'm messing around with CoV. As PVE games go it's entertaining. In my eagerness to see Warhammer Online I've started assembling and painting little plastic men and watching the Mark of Chaos trailer at least once a day.

Hum. I can probably come out and play in the RP sandbox.


Active Members
If ya guys wana start RP'in, please use one of the Taverns... Thats what their fore.... Not the General discussion. :wink:


Inactive Members
You wanna get your ass kicked, Tiger?

I HATE BEING TOLD WHAT I ALREADY KNOW!!! *kicks a slippered foot through the bottom of the bar, gathers a splinter and picks her teeth, glaring*

You want more RP? HMMM? I hear mourning that the RP has gone bye bye, I find compatriots, I stir the pot, I wave the rising smoke around. And before I can even saturate even ONE yard of the ether with the delicious smells of chaos and imagination - the "proper place" police come loping in.

*trips Tiger into her pot, stirs*


Next time, why don't you drop me a little note in my handy dandy member message box and gently request that I DO continue my efforts of creation, and you know I'll put them where they belong. Just like I'm gonna do with this sock. *yanks Tiger from the pot, shoves the sock in his mouth, storms out*