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Administrative Emails April 2007


Active Members
How's this setup look guys?

I'd like to:

Move the Music (http://www.yserbius.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=147) to the Downloads section, or in this case, just remove this Forum all together since the Music is in the Download section (http://www.yserbius.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=134) I should say... Since apparently I keep forgetting the OTHER download section....

Classic Shadow of Yserbius & Twinion Walk-Thru (http://www.yserbius.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=131): Same thing, move to the DL section...(http://www.yserbius.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=134)

NewsLetters Library (http://www.yserbius.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=133) Move to> It's own category(http://www.yserbius.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=150).


Active Members
Did already... Way ahead of ya... ;-) We're down 6 though... ;-\

Ok, goina make those changes and assign the frontpage news to the new Categories. When you get all the old news loaded into the invisable news Forum that you're adding them to Slo, we'll move them over once they age out.

I'm tryin to get a Newsletter out today, because there's a cool event goin on in San Jose that I think gamers here might enjoy.

Sidd, if you have anything for YSUO, now would be a good time to send my way.... Otherwise, I'll be writing up something about the voting for YSUO. (Alternitivly, if you have comments about this, lemme know) Or if you have a screenshot of one of the stones you added, that'd be awsome... Deadline is tomorrow, 12pm Eastern time.

Changes are done, Homepage News link is updated as well. Lookin goooood....

Got some icon's to update later, will email them to ya....

Ya hear anything back from the hosting Co on the whole PHP.ini thingy, uploading problem?

BTW, I made the Newsroom so it doesn't cound as Post count.


Staff member
the downloads area on the front page is essentially not a download area anymore. so we need to change it to Yserbius Library or something. then comment in description on what it contains including walk throughs so people will figure out where the walk throughs went too. and then we need to delete the walk through menu that is showing a big ugly Never on the forum.

by naming it the library we will no longer confuse it with the download area on the navigation bar above there since essentially they are two different places. Slo


Active Members

Left the redirct so conveniance sake... But if ya say it needs to go.. Done... ;-)

Good call on the Downloads thing too.

Oh, hey, Slo... BTW, you find those Trumpet images?


Active Members
Newsletter is done except Final Word and YSUO section. If you guys have anything to say about YSUO, please do. (Going to go with the Voting topic), so lemme know... And if you can get a few screens of the voting rock, or something... Even better!


Staff member
ok i got 5 complaints last night,, somehow when you moved the yserbius walkthrough all the links are now dead and gone. unless you can sort it out i guess we lost the walk through


Staff member
yea i checked again they have all been deleted. i do not have that kind of time anymore so i suggest you make a statement about them being gone and not coming back anymore. sorry


Staff member
Well I finally found a job for me to be in charge of. I spoke with Tiger about it, and decided I am going to make a new Forum section that contain News from around the Internet regarding MMO's and such. so if there is a newsfeed you guys would like to see added let me know and i will take care of it.


Staff member
never hear from Navic anymore, you still out there? i'd a thought you made parole by now.

btw i put your new cell number in my cell phone address book, i need to get Dan's as well. i tend to forget where i leave things these days.


Active Members
Ok, all of the Yserbius Walkthroughs are back up and should all be working correctly. If there are errors, prolly won't catch them unless you actually use the walkthroughs.

Feel free to browse them, if you see anything wrong, holler...


Active Members
LOL, I had to enter a Zip code before viewing threads.... WTF slo? ;-p

Hey, BTW, what happened to the ads???

I'm working on the Twinion Walkthrough today... I hope to have it up before end of the day....