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Administrative Emails April 2007


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Sidd! I found an updated item.spc file with tier3 items! Woot! Will load it up tonight along with my custom stuff... Didn't want to do custom stuff till I had an updated file because I didn't want to overwrite an important item number...

My laptop is patched, and I'll be patching my PC tonight too while I'm updating the server's item list... Next question is, how I teleport to other cities?


Staff member
if it is anythign like the real WOW you have to use the Birds to fly between the cities, which involves running there first and learning the flight path from the flight master.


Active Members
Dude, Slo, ya missed an awsome night... Sidd summoned this gicantic fire deamon thingy..... Which promptly killed me in what I would say, was one hit... I don't know cuz it happened so fast... LOL Was good times...


Staff member
Well i finally got tired of these pinko commy bastards at work blocking ports and using websense to filter the internet. I mean jeez a person wants to go check out youtube and finds out it is blocked by websense as questionable or illegal lol.. get a freaking grip....

So after much cursing and muttering,, especially for not being able to reach my website cpanel during the day i finally fixed this... I can now use a Web proxy to defeat all these devices they have installed. I installed a web proxy on both yserbius.net and yserbius.org.

You guys probably dont have that issue, i just mentioned it because now i can work on cpanel when needed. YEAAAAA!!!!!


Active Members
Awsome! We have strict viewing here at work too, but hopefully that'll be changing soon cuz I'll be going to a department with less restrictions.


Staff member
Well if you dont ever get your viewing freed up let me know i will show you how to stop the BS by dropping one file into your cgi-bin provided your settings are similiar to mine.

Another note, i finally fixed the yserbius.net mail stayed up until 11 last night working on it.. Windows boxes suck mud lol. i like windows for using , servers they are totally foreign to me. i had to play with MailEnable for 4 hours before i finally got a green light in the diagnostics.

I contacted Sidd through PM and had him test the TOS tool in YSUO using the new mail.yserbius.net domain and he told me it now works. i cannot set up any email accounts with yserbius.net as i only have the server and not a admin client (240 bucks) and i dont plan on getting one either, we have enough domains and emails to go around for a long time lol.

So with that working now. Sidd will be turning on the new TOS feature which should help us compile a list of users there, should slow down all the people who just create a account and never play. we will be able to send out notifications of changes, big maintenance or whatever for the game or that server.

anyhow you can use some of this in the next newsletter if you want, do not give out the domain name or mail server name of course. dress it up a little and call it from me:)

i will work on some more stuff as well for the letter


Active Members
Awsome Slo! I'll see what I can write up, make it all purdy like.... Think you can work on the PW file?


What number was the Azurath thingy that you spawned in WoW that killed me faster then I could blink?

I think I can take him now...!


Active Members
Ok Slo, all I need is a bit more information and maybe 300 words in regards to what you just said. Maybe a few other topics? But around 300 words please.


Active Members

YSUO Back End changes were finally implemented. New Signup procedures and ToS have been integrated into the signup, which means very little for those already active on YSUO. But what it does mean, is new registrations will have to agree to the terms, and may also deter possible players from signing up, but never actually play.

New changes to those already signed up will be mostly invisible. The only difference you’ll see on YSUO is a YSUO newsletter possibly. Who will actually in charge of it, has yet to be determined. We know Tiger won’t be working on it, as he has his hands full with the current Yserbous.org Newsletter.

Is all I have... I need more words... lol Have anything to add?


Staff member
YSUO is remaining empty most of the time now, at all hours of the day and night, is there a serious lack of interest? i havent seen anyone on in days.,, if no is using it anymore, would it be wise to pack it up and archive it and shutdown that server? It cost 160 a month and if no one is using it anymore. Slo


Staff member
Maybe since every likes WOW so much the server can be converted into a WOW server and be kept hidden and only by invitation only? who knows just a couple ideas to run past you guys


Active Members
re: YSUO..... Archinving would be best, if you take it down, I think. Then at least it could be kicked up again if we got hammered with questions or need. I catch a few people on at night when I jump on as Ber. I have about 10 apps in the data folder that I will try to get added to the xls sheet. I haven't seen or heard from Mike in a while. Maybe toss it in the newsletter and see what kind of response you get back about archiving it?

I will update the members xls for YSUO and send it out. Maybe I'll post it here, that might help also.

I been real busy lately both at home and work. Not much time to play and when I do, It's usually with my kids on a local wow. One is old enough to read but neither can type. They want me to make them a "higher level" so they don't die, but they are explorers. lol

If you go the wow route, I'd suggest mangos and the jump to burning crusads. It was relatively easy for me to get all the files for that and that is the most current database of critters and spawning for it. Mangos seems better than the UWC packs with skills, mobs, quests etc. and it is still being updated. I haven't messed enough with some things but I can add items, backup accounts, some of the basics. No quests yet. Tiger can probably do more with them. I use the silvermoon db. It runs through mysql server, then you kick up the programs. There are bugs and not everythign works as good as it should (some skills) but it's a work in progress and it's stable. Might want to consider an ip router or something for it, I think there are some that are free. no-ip.com, maybe......don't remember for sure. I don't think you need the wow client on the same pc to run the server either.

Tiger, I think I lost the sticky with that monter's number in it. Check the movie that Slo sent the link on, that is where I got it. Sorry
You can get the WoW cd for 1.99 at best buy, ver 1.11.0 or the BC cd. I found BC to download, it's a 2GB file tho.

Slo, I just sent you an email about the csv file/db for ysuo. Nothing special but I am thinking about making a yahoo address to respond to people who fill it out, unless there is a better way.


Active Members
Sweet! I have a friend at work here who's going to give the the BC download he recieved from Blizz, so I don't need to DL it. Was also going to try Mangos myself probably this weekend, get it up for myself and step son, maybe you and your kids... The lack of "stuff" was starting to get annoying...

Custom Items, I can do no problem, have that down to a sience.
Custom Spawns, again, not a big deal. (As long as the models that exsist can be used)

Quests? Not yet tried, but I've crossed paths with it a few times and don't think it'll be hard.

Spells? Not likely to happen. Course I have older, primitive tools for looking at spells and such, so maybe I'm outta the loop on them.

Write something up Slo, about YSUO and I'll stick it in with the YSUO section you'r wanting to write about.


Active Members
YSUO Apps from TOS

Here is the app data from the TOS at YSUO.
I think the file is here. After trying to upload a csv and then and rar, I think I got a zip uploaded :)


Active Members
Tiger - Fire mob

Tiger, I found the number for that big critter that carrys the big stick! .addnpc 11502 - ragnaroth or something like that is it's name.

Slo, How were you able to open up things at your work to allow some browsing? I doubt I could do it at mine...they track everything, right down to the number of hits from 1 page and block out the use of webmaile, etc.

Anyone know a good program, free, to convert a cell phone video (cp2) to a wmv or mpg? and the other way around. I was googleing for it and I'm not having the best luck.